About This Site
Technology is one of my favorite topics. I am a person who loves to know what’s the latest in this world; like for instance how we handle the obstacles/difficulties
in achieving our goals to be more productive or successful in this field. You will learn from this site that even we are already in this modern century,
we still fail to accomplish things that we want or we dream of. However, this site also talks about the other side, because I still say that mankind specifically
our generation has made some wonders in venturing the broadness as well as the complexity of this technological era. In fact, the negative side of the
story will just be the supporting factor here so that we really understand and appreciate the beauty of having this on our capacity. Because we all know,
with not being in this kind of modern time, we may still search for a way to make things faster and easier for instance.
So help me to explore all the possibilities that are available to us and share the ideas to all the people we may encounter in our journey that have the same interest about technology; so the world becomes a huge laboratory, or should I say to make it a testing ground for all of our experiments.

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