Why is Kapamilya Number 1
There are many factors why it’s number 1. Below are few of those reasons why Kapamilya maintains its ranking and status of being “the number 1 TV network in the Philippines”.
Quality of almost all shows from morning until I go to bed
Umagang kayganda is definitely without question, giving a “kaygandang umaga”! Then having SpongeBob in the lineup of their “Umaganda” gives them a large number of audience. Showtime then prepares you to have a wonderful afternoon together with Pilipinas Win na Win which features lots of music performances, game shows, comedy and a great hosting over all. Then in the afternoon some inspirational stories through their “Hapontastic”, a set of Drama series, and some foreign shows, anime and sometimes, local movies. Then here goes the evening local news TV Patrol which brings the latest updates about our economy, environmental issues, society, politics, entertainment, sports and many more. Then because of Filipino’s culture in watching TV (whatever term applicable), Primetime bida after the news, offers a variety of drama shows, latest showbiz updates etc.From morning to evening, variety would be the term for ABS-CBN Kapamilya Network, because they are committed to give the best contents to all Filipinos from all levels and always making sure that the audience will get satisfied when they turn on their TV sets.
Responsible Journalism
This is already proven; this is why Loren Legarda and Noli de Castro succeeded in politics. Because citizens believed and trusted them, they’ve given them so much respect and elected them to be their public servants. ABS-CBN earned people’s support in short.Fearless news
Korina Sanchez, Ted Failon and Karen Davila are three of my favorites newscasters today becauseThey can’t be intimidated
If a top ranking PNP official is involved in illegal drugs, they would expose him. Or, when a business is cheating, they would tell it to the public and will help the victims to make legal actions if necessary.
Balanced journalism
While some say it’s not possible in broadcasting, newscasters always seek for truth in their stories; they should write what is true and what the public must know, and avoid some credibility issues that may ruin their whole career.
Public service
ABS-CBN Broadcasting Company is known for giving public services and makes some efforts to support the government’s programs/policies. Whether it’s for the environment or for the poor, they ensure that their efforts go directly to the beneficiaries. I wanted to list some of their programs and services but it would be impossible for me because I would not know the specific details about them. And the other reason is they are too many and I wouldn’t want to make any assumption on what they do or what they are for. If you prefer, you may visit their website and check the latest information about their foundations, services and other things regarding the efforts of that TV network.I’m not in any way affiliated with ABS-CBN and they didn’t pay me for this. I just wanted to write stories like this for the people to know; those Filipinos in particular.
ABS-CBN is a very big corporation and their audience should be aware that ABS-CBN is not only for journalism, offering best quality TV shows and showcasingFilipino talents, but they are also helping the government in giving livelihood to those who are qualified communities and individuals; financial support to start a small business for example and also, in health services, they conduct free seminars, medical missions and many more!
Tags: Entertainment, TV Network

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